Prayer Chain Ministry Team


1. Elder, minister or church office will receive a request for prayer and then call the first person on the list.

2. When you receive a call, call the next person on the list. Leave a message if needed. If there is no answer and you cannot leave a message, call the next person on the list.

3. When making a call keep it short, in this way we will reach the whole Prayer Chain Ministry Team quicker.

4. Pass along the address if you have it, so a card or letter can be sent if desired.

5. This does not replace the e-mail notification of prayer requests or the Sunday bulletin prayer list. A person that calls will not be automatically added to either list.

6. Be discreet and use good judgement. This is especially true if the request is of a personal nature.

7. Keep a notebook handy to write down the information to avoid passing on erroneous information.

Thank you for your willingness to participate in this important aspect of our Christian lives, so that we may draw closer together through prayer.

Prayer Chain Participants and Phone Numbers

Janet Austin

Lisa Kirby

Dan Mann

Lee Marks

Jim & Jane Siefert

Russ & Shelly Ward

Susanne Ward







534-0231 or 201-1534
