The Elder's Perspective - The Story a True Blessing

By Chris Naegele

Our study of the scripture through the lesson series “The Story” has be a true blessing for Debi and me.  For the past 25 weeks the Berean church membership have followed God’s plan for His creation through the study of the Bible in a story format.  God’s plan has been revealed in a unique and enlightening series with the insight of Max Lucado and Randy Frazee.  The “upper story” and “lower story” format of God’s redeeming grace, and our limited ability to grasp this truth, has opened up God’s plan for our congregation in a truly enlightening way.

 We have studied together the creation, the fall of man through Adam and Eve’s sin.  God’s promise to Abraham, and God’s everlasting lasting love as man has continued to fall from grace throughout history.  We have read of the strength and frailty of Bible men and women, Moses, David and Ruth of the Old Testament.  And more recently in our study, Mary and Joseph and the disciples as we read the New Testament.

We studied the birth of Jesus in July, The Birth of a King, chapter 22.  There was an excitement in beginning to see that God’s plan of salvation had culminated in his presence “with us”.  A truly refreshing lesson/study after the “dark” study of the Old Testament falling away of God’s people in the previous weeks of our lessons.

This past week’s Study was lesson 25 titled “Jesus, Son of God”.  As I prepared to lead the class last Sunday, I was stuck by the commentary for the lesson that pointed out: “Peter’s confession, ‘You are the Messiah.’ represents the high-water mark in the history of human understanding up to that point.  In those four words, Peter articulated the hope of the ages.  For the first time in human history, God’s prophesied Anointed One was clearly recognized.”

Every lesson we have shared in “The Story” up to this date (all of the Old Testament) directed us to this question.  All of the following lessons (the New Testament) will verify the correct answer.

All of humanity still searches for the answer to the question today, “whom do you say I (Jesus) am?”  There is no greater question for God’s creation.  We can wonder and ponder about many things.  We can disagree and be proven right or wrong as science answers the way of the world and nature on many questions.  But, the eternal question that God has imprinted on our soul, the question that all mankind must answer individually, is do we accept Jesus as God’s one and Only Son, the Messiah.

There is no “half –truth”, no perhaps, no “exit poll” test, no majority vote.  It is a question that Jesus is asking you today, this very minute, with every breath you take, it is your decision alone to make……who do you say that I am?  It is the eternal question of faith…who do you say that I am?

All of creation, even the rocks and nature itself, cry out in a loud voice “you are the Messiah!” You are Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the great I Am, my Creator, my Master and Savior.  Amen!

For it is written, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in him shall not parish, but, have everlasting life.”

As we begin to conclude our study of “the Story” in the following weeks, if you have not joined us for Sunday Morning Connect or Worship, plan to do so this Sunday.  The body of this congregation is not complete without you.  God has so much in store for his creation, he longs for you to be a part of his salvation.  Begin today to commit to His will.